Kenya / Baragwi Peaberry


Kenya / Baragwi Peaberry

from $21.00

Baragwi is the largest association in Kenya with over 15,000 producers contributing to 12 washing stations. The Muchagara washing station is located in Kirinyaga County, bordering Nyeri and near Mt. Kenya. The soil in the area is very fertile. After producers deliver their harvested cherries, employees at the factory sort, depulp, and ferment the seeds overnight before drying them on raised beds. The employees rotate to new factories in the association every two years in order to share knowledge and maintain consistency throughout the cooperative. 

Microlots from Kenya are traceable to either the factory level or individual farm level (when possible), and are selected basis cup score. Because the majority of coffee farmers in Kenya own between 1/8–1/4 a hectare of land, most deliver coffee in cherry form to a local factory for sorting and processing; at the factory, the deliveries are blended and processed into day lots comprising the day' s deliveries.

This microlot is screened a Peaberry grade, which is when the coffee cherry develops a single, small, dense seed.

Tasting Notes:
Amaretto - Clove - Cooked Grapefruit - Tangy Acidity - Syrupy Sweetness

Washing Station: Muchagara
: Baragwi
Elevation: 1600-1800m
Variety: Batian, SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11
Process: Washed

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